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Running the Program

Using poetry to run

The program should run automatically with the following command:

$ poetry run a2t2f-news

Alternatively, if you want to add optional parameters and don’t want to use the standard poetry script to run, you can use the (somewhat convoluted) poetry run alto2txt2fixture/ and provide any optional parameters. You can see a list of all the “Optional parameters” below. For example, if you want to only include the hmd collection:

$ poetry run alto2txt2fixture/ --collections hmd

Alternative: Run the script without poetry

If you find yourself in trouble with poetry, the program should run perfectly fine on its own, assuming the dependencies are installed. The same command, then, would be:

$ python alto2txt2fixture/ --collections hmd


See the list under [tool.poetry.dependencies] in pyproject.toml for a list of dependencies that would need to be installed for alto2txt2fixture to work outside a python poetry environment.

Optional parameters

The program has a number of optional parameters that you can choose to include or not. The table below describes each parameter, how to pass it to the program, and what its defaults are.

Flag Description Default value
-c, --collections Which collections to process in the mounted alto2txt directory hmd, lwm, jisc, bna
-o, --output Into which directory should the processed files be put? ./output/fixtures/
-m, --mountpoint Where is the alto2txt directories mounted? ./input/alto2txt/
-t, --test-config Print the config table but do not run False

Successfully running the program: An example
