Handling Comments#

Comments are an important part of zoopyper’s functionality. They allow access to discussions from Zooniverse’s Talk functionality, where volunteers contribute comments on the crowdsourced citizen science projects where they can discuss the project’s subjects.

This section will show you how to handle comments using the zoopyper package, including how to get access to all comments, how to get pre-filtered comments, and how to get comments for a specific subject.

Getting Access to All Comments#

To get access to all comments in the project, you can use the Project.comments property:

# Get all comments for the project

This will return a pandas.DataFrame containing all the comments for the project.

Getting Pre-Filtered Comments#

To get a pre-filtered comments DataFrame, including only non-staff members, you can use the Project.get_comments() method with the include_staff=False setting.

If you run it before informing the Project which users count as “staff”, you will get a warning. In the example below, we start by letting the Project know who is a staff member:

# Set the staff property on the project to a list of usernames
project.set_staff(["miaridge", "kallewesterling"])

# Get pre-filtered comments

This will return a pandas.DataFrame containing only comments from non-staff members.

Getting Comments for a Specific Subject#

To get comments for a specific subject, you can use the Project.get_subject_comments() method with the subject ID as the argument:

# Get comments for a specific subject

This will return a pandas.DataFrame containing all the comments for the specified subject.

Note that, by default, the get_subject_comments method will always includes comments from contributors marked as “staff” in Zoonyper. You can disable this by informing the Project instance about which usernames count as staff and then passing the parameter include_staff=False to the method:

# Set the staff property on the project to a list of usernames
project.set_staff(["miaridge", "kallewesterling"])

# Get pre-filtered comments for the particular subject
project.get_subject_comments(73334345, include_staff=False)