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Server Management

Much of the configuration in this project is derived from django-cookiecutter, and the information below is derived from their execllent documentation and avoid ambiguities between updates to their configuration and this project.


The viability of this work is very much dependent on the great detail and sophistication of that project, and we are greatful for that work, and the work of the many open source projects we have priviledged to work with and use.

Managing Data

Managing versions of the datasets included in this project is quite complex, and can take significant time. We advises reading through all the instructions below before running any of the commands provided, and ensuring you have a version consistent with what you have installed locally and run.

Backing up

It is helpful to save the database in a state prior to, for example, redepoloying or a refactor. To do this run

docker compose -f local.yml exec postgres backup
Backing up the 'lwmdb' database...
SUCCESS: 'lwmdb' database backup 'backup_2023_05_17T12_38_40.sql.gz' has been created and placed in '/backups'.
sudo docker compose -f local.yml exec postgres backup
Backing up the 'lwmdb' database...
SUCCESS: 'lwmdb' database backup 'backup_2023_05_17T12_38_40.sql.gz' has been created and placed in '/backups'.

Which generates the a backup file (backup_2023_05_17T12_38_40.sql.gz in this case) in the /backups folder of the postgres docker container.

This can take some time, but will greate a compressed, complete version of the database, including login information, that can then be applied if something breaks or a new deploy on a new computer is needed.

Listing database backups

Assuming default configurations, all database backup files will be in /backups/ in a local postgres docker container. To copy that file out, it is helpful to check which backups are available

docker compose -f local.yml exec postgres backups
These are the backups you have got:
total 27G
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9.3G May 17 13:14 backup_2023_05_17T12_38_40.sql.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9.3G Apr 18 19:15 backup_2023_04_18T18_41_00.sql.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.0G Apr  3 07:51 backup_2023_04_03T07_22_10.sql.gz
sudo docker compose -f local.yml exec postgres backups
These are the backups you have got:
total 27G
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9.3G May 17 13:14 backup_2023_05_17T12_38_40.sql.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9.3G Apr 18 19:15 backup_2023_04_18T18_41_00.sql.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.0G Apr  3 07:51 backup_2023_04_03T07_22_10.sql.gz

Copying all backup files out of docker

Again assuming default configurations, to copy backup files out of the postgres docker container to a backups folder in the working directory of your local filesystem (assuming logged in as user):

docker cp $(docker compose -f local.yml ps -q postgres):backups backups
Successfully copied 28.5GB to /home/user/lwmdb/backups
sudo docker cp $(sudo docker compose -f local.yml ps -q postgres):backups backups
Successfully copied 28.5GB to /home/user/lwmdb/backups

Copying one backup file out of docker

To simply copy one backup (backup_2023_05_17T12_38_40.sql.gz in this case) database file (rather than all) to a local backups folder

docker cp $(docker compose -f local.yml ps -q postgres):backups/backup_2023_05_17T12_38_40.sql.gz backups/
sudo docker cp $(sudo docker compose -f local.yml ps -q postgres):backups/backup_2023_05_17T12_38_40.sql.gz backups/

Database configuration

It is possible to name the database something other thatn lwmdb if needed, and that can be helpful if needed to make a schema change and wanting to copy the schema to manage that process.

The name of the database schema is specified in local .env/local and .env/production env files. The default .env/local includes


The name of the database is separate from the names of the tables so, for example, you can replace the POSTGRES_DB and POSTGRES_USER with your preferred configuration. This works because each of the models in this project (for example newspapers.Item )


It is strongly advised to keep .env/production and .env/local database configurations the same for testing purposes.