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There are two main options for deploying this data. Both require docker to manage build, testing and interoperability, and at the time of this writing at least 30 GB of free harddrive space, preferable two or three times that for flexibility.

Local Deploy:

Local deploys are well suited for

  • Individual research
  • Testing new features
  • Contributing to bug fixes or documentation

Assuming a personal computer, docker Desktop is one of the easier options and works for Linux distributions, Windows and macOS.

Clone repository to local drive

Run the following command on your command line:

git clone
cd lib_metadata_db

The subsequent sections assume commands are run from within the lib_metadata_db folder.

Local Build

docker compose -f local.yml up --build
sudo docker compose -f local.yml up --build

This uses the .envs/local file provided in the repo. This must not be used in production, it is simply for local development and to ease demonstrating what is required for .envs/production, which must be generated separately for deploying via production.yml.

It will take some time to download a set of docker images required to run locally, after which it should attempt to start the server in the django container. If successful, the console should print logs resembling

metadata_local_django    | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production
deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
metadata_local_django    |  * Running on all addresses (
metadata_local_django    |  * Running on
metadata_local_django    |  * Running on
metadata_local_django    | Press CTRL+C to quit
metadata_local_django    |  * Restarting with stat
metadata_local_django    | Performing system checks...
metadata_local_django    |
metadata_local_django    | System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
metadata_local_django    |
metadata_local_django    | Django version 4.2, using settings 'metadata.settings'
metadata_local_django    | Development server is running at
metadata_local_django    | Using the Werkzeug debugger (
metadata_local_django    | Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
metadata_local_django    |  * Debugger is active!
metadata_local_django    |  * Debugger PIN: 139-826-693

Indicating it’s up and running. You should then be able to go to in your local browser and see a start page.

To stop the app call the down command:

docker compose -f local.yml down
sudo docker compose -f local.yml down

Production Deploy

A local production deploy should be available without aditional modification. Deploying for exteral users is a more involved process and will require registering a domain name.

To run in production, a .envs/production ENV file is required. This is not provided to help ensure encryption keys are generated uniquely by users. These are specifically for


as well as the follwing two:

  • HOST_URL=""

traefik Config

A domain name (in this example " must be registered for https (encripyted) usage, and a TLS certificate is needed. See traefik docs for details.

Generating password config

There are numerous methods for generating keys. python provides an option via the secrets module:

import secrets


For convenience and minimising risks like screencapture, this can be run and piped to your local clipboard. Examples for different operating systems:

python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())" | xclip
python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())" | pbcopy
python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())" | /dev/clipboard

If arranging this via a deploy service like azure, it is also possible to add keys/config within the local environment or via an export command (assuming a bash or zsh shell).