Deploying the T-Res API

The T-Res API can be deployed either as a standalone docker container, or via docker compose to deploy multiple configurations of the pipeline simultaneously behind a reverse-proxy (traefik).

Docker and Docker Compose should be installed on your server according to the official installation guide before proceeding with the following steps to build and deploy the containers.

1. Building the container

To build a docker image for the app using the default configuration provided (, run the following bash commands from the root of the repository:

export CONTAINER_NAME=t-res_deezy_reldisamb-wpubl-wmtops
sudo -E docker build -f app/template.Dockerfile --no-cache --build-arg APP_NAME=${CONTAINER_NAME} -t ${CONTAINER_NAME}_image .

2. Deploying the container

The docker image built in step 1 can then be deployed by running the following command, providing the required resources are available according to the :ref: Resources and directory structure section.

sudo docker run -p 80:80 -it \
 -v ${HOME}/T-Res/resources/:/app/resources/ \
 -v ${HOME}/T-Res/geoparser/:/app/geoparser/ \
 -v ${HOME}/T-Res/utils/:/app/utils/ \
 -v ${HOME}/T-Res/preprocessing/:/app/preprocessing/ \
 -v ${HOME}/T-Res/experiments/:/app/experiments/ \
 -v ${HOME}/T-Res/app/configs/:/app/configs/ \

3. Deploying multiple containers via Docker Compose

To deploy the example configuration behind a traefik load-balancing server:

HOST_URL=<YOUR_HOST_URL> sudo -E docker-compose up -d

4. Configuring your deployment

  1. Add your T-Res pipeline configuration file to the app/config directory. This file should instantiate the Recogniser, Linker, and Ranker to be used in your pipeline and store them in a dictionary called CONFIG, which is then imported and used by the app.

  2. Optionally, you can add or edit endpoints or app behaviour in the app/ file

  3. Build your docker container as in step 1, setting the CONTAINER_NAME environment variable to your new configuration’s name

  4. Add a section to the docker-compose.yml, updating the service name, image and labels as follows:

        image: <YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>_image:latest
        restart: always
        - 80
        - ${HOME}/T-Res/resources/:/app/resources/
        - ${HOME}/T-Res/geoparser/:/app/geoparser/
        - ${HOME}/T-Res/utils/:/app/utils/
        - ${HOME}/T-Res/preprocessing/:/app/preprocessing/
        - ${HOME}/T-Res/experiments/:/app/experiments/
        - traefik.enable=true
        - traefik.http.routers.<YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>_router.service=<YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>
        - traefik.http.routers.<YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>_router.rule=Host(`<YOUR_HOST_URL>`, ``) && PathPrefix(`/v2/t-res_<YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>`)
        - traefik.http.middlewares.test-stripprefix-rwop.stripprefix.prefixes=/v2/t-res_<YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>
        - traefik.http.routers.<YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>_router.middlewares=test-stripprefix-rwop
        command: ["poetry", "run", "uvicorn", "app:app", "--proxy-headers", "--host", "", "--port", "80", "--root-path", "/v2/t-res_deezy_reldisamb-wpubl-wmtops"]