The complete tour

The T-Res has three main classes: the Recogniser class (which performs toponym recognition, which is a named entity recognition task), the Ranker class (which performs candidate selection and ranking for the named entities identified by the Recogniser), and the Linker class (which selects the most likely candidate from those provided by the Ranker).

An additional class, the Pipeline, wraps these three components into one, therefore making it easier for the user to perform end-to-end entity linking.

In the following sections, we provide a complete tour: including an in-depth description of each of the four classes. We recommend that you start with the Pipeline, which wraps the three other classes, and refer to the description of each of the other classes to learn more about them. We also recommend that you first try to run T-Res using the default pipeline, and then change it accordingly to your needs.


Note that, before being able to run the pipeline, you will need to make sure you have all the required resources. Refer to the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation.

The Pipeline

The Pipeline wraps the Recogniser, the Ranker and the Linker into one object, to make it easier to use T-Res for end-to-end entity linking.

1. Instantiate the Pipeline

By default, the Pipeline instantiates:

  • a Recogniser (from a HuggingFace model),

  • a Ranker (using the perfectmatch approach), and

  • a Linker (using the mostpopular approach).

To instantiate the default T-Res pipeline, do:

from geoparser import pipeline

geoparser = pipeline.Pipeline(resources_path="../resources/")


You should update the resources path argument to reflect your set up.

You can also instantiate a pipeline using a customised Recogniser, Ranker and Linker. To see the different options, refer to the sections on instantiating each of them: Recogniser, Ranker and Linker.

In order to instantiate a pipeline using a customised Recogniser, Ranker and Linker, just instantiate them beforehand, and then pass them as arguments to the Pipeline, as follows:

from geoparser import pipeline, recogniser, ranking, linking

myner = recogniser.Recogniser(...)
myranker = ranking.Ranker(...)
mylinker = linking.Linker(...)

geoparser = pipeline.Pipeline(myner=myner, myranker=myranker, mylinker=mylinker)


Note that the default Pipeline expects to be run from the experiments/ or the examples folder (or any other folder in the same level). The Pipeline will look for the resources at ../resources/. Make sure all the required resources are in the right locations.


If a model needs to be trained, the Pipeline itself will take care of it. Therefore, you should expect that the first time the Pipeline is used (or if you change certain input parameters) T-Res will take long to be ready to be used for prediction, as it will train the models if the approaches require so.

2. Use the Pipeline

Once instantiated (and once all the models have been trained or loaded, if needed), the Pipeline can be used to perform end-to-end toponym recognition and linking (given an input text) or to perform each of the three steps individually: (1) toponym recognition given an input text, (2) candidate selection given a toponym or list of toponyms, and (3) toponym disambiguation given the output from the first two steps.

End-to-end pipeline

The Pipeline can be used to perform end-to-end toponym recognition and linking given an input text, using the run_sentence() method (which applies the T-Res pipeline to the input text) or the run_text() method (which takes care of splitting a text into sentences, before running run_sentence() on each sentence).

See this with examples:

output = geoparser.run_text("Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.")
output = geoparser.run_sentence("Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.")

In both cases, the following parameters are optional [TODO: link to docstrings]:

  • place: The place of publication associated with the text document as a human-legible string (e.g. "London"). This defaults to "".

  • place_wqid: The Wikidata ID of the place of publication provided in place (e.g. "Q84"). This defaults to "".

For example:

output = geoparser.run_text("Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.",
    place="Alston, Cumbria, England",

The output of this example is the following:

[{"mention": "Durham",
  "ner_score": 0.999,
  "pos": 74,
  "sent_idx": 0,
  "end_pos": 80,
  "tag": "LOC",
  "sentence": "Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.",
  "prediction": "Q179815",
  "ed_score": 0.039,
  "cross_cand_score": {
    "Q179815": 0.396,
    "Q23082": 0.327,
    "Q49229": 0.141,
    "Q5316459": 0.049,
    "Q458393": 0.045,
    "Q17003433": 0.042,
    "Q1075483": 0.0
  "string_match_score": {"Durham": [1.0, ["Q1137286", "Q5316477", "Q752266", "..."]]},
  "prior_cand_score": {
    "Q179815": 0.881,
    "Q49229": 0.522,
    "Q5316459": 0.457,
    "Q17003433": 0.455,
    "Q23082": 0.313,
    "Q458393": 0.295,
    "Q1075483": 0.293
  "latlon": [54.783333, -1.566667],
  "wkdt_class": "Q515"}]

Step-by-step pipeline

See how to perform toponym recognition with the Pipeline, with an example:

output = geoparser.run_text_recognition(
    "Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.",
    place="Alston, Cumbria, England",

This is the output for this example:

[{"mention": "Durham",
  "context": ["", ""],
  "candidates": [],
  "gold": ["NONE"],
  "ner_score": 0.999,
  "pos": 74,
  "sent_idx": 0,
  "end_pos": 80,
  "ngram": "Durham",
  "conf_md": 0.999,
  "tag": "LOC",
  "sentence": "Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.",
  "place": "Alston, Cumbria, England",
  "place_wqid": "Q2560190"

See how to perform candidate selection given the output from the previous step, with an example:

ner_output = [
        'mention': 'Durham',
        'context': ['', ''],
        'candidates': [],
        'gold': ['NONE'],
        'ner_score': 0.999,
        'pos': 74,
        'sent_idx': 0,
        'end_pos': 80,
        'ngram': 'Durham',
        'conf_md': 0.999,
        'tag': 'LOC',
        'sentence': 'Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.',
        'place': 'Alston, Cumbria, England',
        'place_wqid': 'Q2560190'

cands = geoparser.run_candidate_selection(ner_output)

This is the output for this example:

          "Score": 1.0,
                "Q1137286": 0.022222222222222223,
                "Q5316477": 0.3157894736842105,
                "Q752266": 0.013513513513513514,
                "Q23082": 0.06484443152079093,

Finally, see how to perform toponym disambiguation given the output from the two previous steps, with an example:

ner_output = [
        'mention': 'Durham',
        'context': ['', ''],
        'candidates': [],
        'gold': ['NONE'],
        'ner_score': 0.999,
        'pos': 74,
        'sent_idx': 0,
        'end_pos': 80,
        'ngram': 'Durham',
        'conf_md': 0.999,
        'tag': 'LOC',
        'sentence': 'Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.',
        'place': 'Alston, Cumbria, England',
        'place_wqid': 'Q2560190'

cands = {'Durham': {'Durham': {'Score': 1.0,
                               'Candidates': {
                                  'Q1137286': 0.022222222222222223,
                                  'Q5316477': 0.3157894736842105,
                                  'Q752266': 0.013513513513513514,
                                  'Q23082': 0.06484443152079093}}}}

disamb_output = geoparser.run_disambiguation(ner_output, cands)

This will return the exact same output as running the pipeline end-to-end.

Description of the output

The output of running the pipeline (both using the end-to-end method or in a step-wise manner, regardless of the methods used for each of the three components), will have the following format:

[{"mention": "Durham",
  "ner_score": 0.999,
  "pos": 74,
  "sent_idx": 0,
  "end_pos": 80,
  "tag": "LOC",
  "sentence": "Inspector Liddle said: I am an inspector of police, living in the city of Durham.",
  "prediction": "Q179815",
  "ed_score": 0.039,
  "cross_cand_score": {
    "Q179815": 0.396,
    "Q23082": 0.327,
    "Q49229": 0.141,
    "Q5316459": 0.049,
    "Q458393": 0.045,
    "Q17003433": 0.042,
    "Q1075483": 0.0
  "string_match_score": {"Durham": [1.0, ["Q1137286", "Q5316477", "Q752266", "..."]]},
  "prior_cand_score": {
    "Q179815": 0.881,
    "Q49229": 0.522,
    "Q5316459": 0.457,
    "Q17003433": 0.455,
    "Q23082": 0.313,
    "Q458393": 0.295,
    "Q1075483": 0.293
  "latlon": [54.783333, -1.566667],
  "wkdt_class": "Q515"}]

Description of the fields:

  • mention: The mention text.

  • ner_score: The NER confidence score of the mention.

  • pos: The starting position of the mention in the sentence.

  • sent_idx: The index of the sentence.

  • end_pos: The ending position of the mention in the sentence.

  • tag: The NER label of the mention.

  • sentence: The input sentence.

  • prediction: The predicted entity linking result (a Wikidata QID or NIL).

  • ed_score: The entity disambiguation score.

  • string_match_score: A dictionary of candidate entities and their string matching confidence scores.

  • prior_cand_score: A dictionary of candidate entities and their prior confidence scores.

  • cross_cand_score: A dictionary of candidate entities and their cross-candidate confidence scores.

  • latlon: The latitude and longitude coordinates of the predicted entity.

  • wkdt_class: The Wikidata class of the predicted entity.

Pipeline recommendations

  • To get started with T-Res, we recommend to start using the default pipeline, as its significantly less complex than the better performing approaches.

  • The default pipeline may not be a bad option if you are planning to perform toponym recognition on modern global clean data. However, take into account that it uses context-agnostic approaches, which often perform quantitavively quite well just because of the higher probability of the most common sense to appear in texts.

  • Running T-Res with DeezyMatch for candidate selection and reldisamb for entity disambiguation takes considerably longer than using the default pipeline. If you want to run T-Res on a few sentences, you can use the end-to-end run_text() or run_sentence() methods. If, however, you have a large number of texts on which to run T-Res, then we recommend that you use the step-wise approach. If done efficiently, this can save a lot of time. Using this approach, you should:

    1. Perform toponym recognition on all the texts,

    2. Obtain the set of all unique toponyms identified in the full dataset, and perform candidate selection on the unique set of toponyms,

    3. Perform toponym disambiguation on a per-text basis, passing as argument the dictionary of candidates returned in the previous step.

    See an example, assuming the dataset is in a CSV format, with one text per row:

    # Load the data:
    df = pd.read_pickle("1880-1900-LwM-HMD-subsample.csv")
    location = "London"
    wikidata_id = "Q84"
    # Instantiate the recogniser, ranker and linker:
    myner = recogniser.Recogniser(...)
    myranker = ranking.Ranker(...)
    mylinker = linking.Linker(...)
    # Instantiate the pipeline:
    geoparser = pipeline.Pipeline(myner=myner, myranker=myranker, mylinker=mylinker)
    # Find mentions for each text in the dataframe:
    nlp_df["identified_toponyms"] = nlp_df.progress_apply(
        lambda x: geoparser.run_text_recognition(
    # Obtain the set of unique mentions in the whole dataset and find their candidates:
    all_toponyms = [item for l in nlp_df["identified_toponyms"] for item in l]
    all_cands = geoparser.run_candidate_selection(all_toponyms)
    # Disambiguate the mentions for each text in the dataframe, taking as an input the
    # recognised mentions and the mention-to-candidate dictionaries:
    nlp_df["identified_toponyms"] = nlp_df.progress_apply(
        lambda x: geoparser.run_disambiguation(

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The Recogniser

The Recogniser performs toponym recognition (i.e. geographic named entity recognition), using HuggingFace’s transformers library. Users can either:

  1. Load an existing model (either directly downloading a model from the HuggingFace hub or loading a locally stored NER model), or

  2. Fine-tune a new model on top of a base model and loading it, or directly load it if it is already pre-trained.

The following notebooks provide examples of both training or loading a NER model using the Recogniser, and using it for detecting entities:


1. Instantiate the Recogniser

To load an already trained model (both from HuggingFace or a locally stored pre-trained model), you can just instantiate the recogniser as follows:

import recogniser

myner = recogniser.Recogniser(

For example, in order to load the Livingwithmachines/toponym-19thC-en NER model from the HuggingFace hub, initialise the Recogniser as follows:

import recogniser

myner = recogniser.Recogniser(

You can also load a model that is stored locally in the same way. For example, let’s suppose the user has a NER model stored in the relative location ../resources/models/blb_lwm-ner-fine. The user could load it as follows (notice that load_from_hub should still be True, a better name for this would probably be load_from_path):

import recogniser

myner = recogniser.Recogniser(

Alternatively, you can use the Recogniser to train a new model (and load it, once it’s trained). The model will be trained using HuggingFace’s transformers library. To instantiate the Recogniser for training a new model and loading it once it’s trained, you can do it as in the example (see the description of each parameter below):

import recogniser

myner = recogniser.Recogniser(
        "batch_size": 8,
        "num_train_epochs": 10,
        "learning_rate": 0.00005,
        "weight_decay": 0.0,

Description of the parameters:

  • load_from_hub: it indicates whether to load a pre-trained NER model. If it is set to False, the Recogniser will be prepared to train a new model, unless the model already exists.

  • overwrite_training: it indicates whether a model should be re-trained, even if there already is a model with the same name in the pre-specified output folder. If load_from_hub is set to False and overwrite_training is also set to False, then the Recogniser will be prepared to first try to load the model and—if it does not exist—to train it. If overwrite_training is set to True, it will prepare the Recogniser to train a model, even if a model with the same name already exists.

  • base_model: the path to the model that will be used as base to train our NER model. This can be the path to a HuggingFace model (for example, we are using Livingwithmachines/bert_1760_1900, a BERT model trained on nineteenth-century texts) or the path to a pre-trained model from a local folder.

  • train_dataset and test_dataset: the path to the train and test data sets necessary for training the NER model. You can find more information about the format of this data in the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation.

  • model_path: the path folder where the Recogniser will store the model (and try to load it from).

  • model: the name of the NER model.

  • training_args: the training arguments: the user can change the learning rate, batch size, number of training epochs, and weight decay.

  • do_test: it allows the user to train a mock model and then load it (note that the suffix _test will be added to the model name).

2. Train the NER model

Once the Recogniser has been initialised, you can train the model by running:


Note that if load_to_hub is set to True or the model already exists (and overwrite_training is set to False), the training will be skipped, even if you call the train() method.


Note that this step is already taken care of if you use the T-Res Pipeline.

back to top

The Ranker

The Ranker takes the named entities detected by the Recogniser as input. Given a knowledge base, it ranks the entities names according to their string similarity to the target named entity, and selects a subset of candidates that will be passed on to the next component, the Linker, to do the disambiguation and select the most likely entity.

In order to use the Ranker and the Linker, we need a knowledge base, a gazetteer. T-Res uses a gazetteer which combines data from Wikipedia and Wikidata. See how to obtain the Wikidata-based resources in the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation.

T-Res provides four different strategies for selecting candidates:

  • perfectmatch retrieves candidates from the knowledge base if one of their alternate names is identical to the detected named entity. For example, given the mention “Wiltshire”, the following Wikidata entities will be retrieved: Q23183, Q55448990, and Q8023421, because all these entities are referred to as “Wiltshire” in Wikipedia anchor texts.

  • partialmatch retrieves candidates from the knowledge base if there is a (partial) match between the query and the candidate names, based on string overlap. Therefore, the mention “Ashton-under” returns candidates for “Ashton-under-Lyne”.

  • levenshtein retrieves candidates from the knowledge base if there is a fuzzy match between the query and the candidate names, based on levenshtein distance. Therefore, mention “Wiltshrre” would still return the candidates for “Wiltshire”. This method is often quite accurate when it comes to OCR variations, but it is very slow.

  • deezymatch retrieves candidates from the knowledge base if there is a fuzzy match between the query and the candidate names, based on similarity between DeezyMatch embeddings. It is significantly more complex than the other methods to set up from scratch, and you will need to train a DeezyMatch model (which takes about two hours), but once it is set up, it is the fastest approach (except for perfectmatch).

1. Instantiate the Ranker

1.1. Perfectmatch, partialmatch, and levenshtein

To use the Ranker for exact matching (perfectmatch) or fuzzy string matching based either on overlap or Levenshtein distance (partialmatch and levenshtein respectively), instantiate it as follows, changing the method argument accordingly:

from geoparser import ranking

myranker = ranking.Ranker(
    method="perfectmatch", # or "partialmatch" or "levenshtein"

Note that resources_path should contain the path to the directory where the Wikidata- and Wikipedia-based resources are stored, as described in the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation.

1.2. DeezyMatch

DeezyMatch instantiation is trickier, as it requires training a model that, ideally, should capture the types of string variations that can be found in your data (such as OCR errrors). Using the Ranker, you can:

  • Option 1: Train a DeezyMatch model from scratch, including generating a string pairs dataset.

  • Option 2: Train a DeezyMatch model, given an existing string pairs dataset.

Once a DeezyMatch has been trained, you can load it and use it. The following notebooks provide examples of each case:

./examples/train_use_deezy_model_1.ipynb # Option 1
./examples/train_use_deezy_model_2.ipynb # Option 2
./examples/train_use_deezy_model_3.ipynb # Load an existing DeezyMatch model.

See below each option in detail.

Option 1. Train a DeezyMatch model from scratch, given an existing string pairs dataset

To train a DeezyMatch model from scratch, using an existing string pairs dataset, you will need to have the following resources file structure (as described in the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation):

├── ...
├── resources/
│   ├── deezymatch/
│   │   ├── data/
│   │   │   └── w2v_ocr_pairs.txt
│   │   └── inputs/
│   │       ├── characters_v001.vocab
│   │       └── input_dfm.yaml
│   ├── models/
│   ├── news_datasets/
│   ├── wikidata/
│   │   ├── mentions_to_wikidata_normalized.json
│   │   └── wikidata_to_mentions_normalized.json
│   └── wikipedia/
└── ...

The Ranker can then be instantiated as follows:

from pathlib import Path
from geoparser import ranking

myranker = ranking.Ranker(
    # Generic Ranker parameters:
    # Parameters to create the string pair dataset:
    # Parameters to train, load and use a DeezyMatch model:
        # Paths and filenames of DeezyMatch models and data:
        "dm_path": str(Path("resources/deezymatch/").resolve()),
        "dm_cands": "wkdtalts",
        "dm_model": "w2v_ocr",
        "dm_output": "deezymatch_on_the_fly",
        # Ranking measures:
        "ranking_metric": "faiss",
        "selection_threshold": 50,
        "num_candidates": 1,
        "verbose": False,
        # DeezyMatch training:
        "overwrite_training": False,
        "do_test": False,

Description of the parameters (to learn more, refer to the DeezyMatch readme):

  • strvar_parameters contains the parameters needed to generate the DeezyMatch training set. It can be left empty, since the training set already exists.

  • deezy_parameters: contains the set of parameters to train or load a DeezyMatch model:

    • dm_path: The path to the folder where the DeezyMatch model and data will be stored.

    • dm_cands: The name given to the set of alternate names from which DeezyMatch will try to find a match for a given mention.

    • dm_model: Name of the DeezyMatch model to train (or load if the model already exists).

    • dm_output: Name of the DeezyMatch output file (not really needed).

    • ranking_metric: DeezyMatch parameter: the metric used to rank the string variations based on their vectors.

    • selection_threshold: DeezyMatch parameter: selection threshold based on the ranking metric.

    • num_candidates: DeezyMatch parameter: maximum number of string variations that will be retrieved.

    • verbose: DeezyMatch parameter: verbose output or not.

    • overwrite_training: Whether to overwrite the training of a DeezyMatch model provided it already exists.

    • do_test: Whether to train a model in test mode.

Option 2. Train a DeezyMatch model from scratch, including generating a string pairs dataset

To train a DeezyMatch model from scratch, including generating a string pairs dataset, you will need to have the following resources file structure (as described in the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation):

├── ...
├── resources/
│   ├── deezymatch/
│   ├── models/
│   │   └── w2v/
│   │       ├── w2v_1800s_news
│   │       │   ├── w2v.model
│   │       │   ├── w2v.model.syn1neg.npy
│   │       │   └── w2v.model.wv.vectors.npy
│   │       ├── ...
│   │       └── w2v_1860s_news
│   │           ├── w2v.model
│   │           ├── w2v.model.syn1neg.npy
│   │           └── w2v.model.wv.vectors.npy
│   ├── news_datasets/
│   ├── wikidata/
│   │   ├── mentions_to_wikidata_normalized.json
│   │   └── wikidata_to_mentions_normalized.json
│   └── wikipedia/
└── ...

The Ranker can then be instantiated as follows:

from pathlib import Path
from geoparser import ranking

myranker = ranking.Ranker(
    # Generic Ranker parameters:
    # Parameters to create the string pair dataset:
        "ocr_threshold": 60,
        "top_threshold": 85,
        "min_len": 5,
        "max_len": 15,
        "w2v_ocr_path": str(Path("../resources/models/w2v/").resolve()),
        "w2v_ocr_model": "w2v_*_news",
        "overwrite_dataset": False,
    # Parameters to train, load and use a DeezyMatch model:
        # Paths and filenames of DeezyMatch models and data:
        "dm_path": str(Path("resources/deezymatch/").resolve()),
        "dm_cands": "wkdtalts",
        "dm_model": "w2v_ocr",
        "dm_output": "deezymatch_on_the_fly",
        # Ranking measures:
        "ranking_metric": "faiss",
        "selection_threshold": 50,
        "num_candidates": 1,
        "verbose": False,
        # DeezyMatch training:
        "overwrite_training": False,
        "do_test": False,

Description of the parameters (to learn more, refer to the DeezyMatch readme):

  • strvar_parameters contains the parameters needed to generate the DeezyMatch training set:

    • ocr_threshold: Maximum FuzzyWuzzy ratio for two strings to be considered negative variations of each other.

    • top_threshold: Minimum FuzzyWuzzy ratio for two strings to be considered positive variations of each other.

    • min_len: Minimum length for a word to be included in the dataset.

    • max_len: Maximum length for a word to be included in the dataset.

    • w2v_ocr_path: The path to the word2vec embeddings folders.

    • w2v_ocr_model: The folder name of the word2vec embeddings (it can be a regular expression).

    • overwrite_dataset: Whether to overwrite the dataset if it already exists.

  • deezy_parameters: contains the set of parameters to train or load a DeezyMatch model:

    • dm_path: The path to the folder where the DeezyMatch model and data will be stored.

    • dm_cands: The name given to the set of alternate names from which DeezyMatch will try to find a match for a given mention.

    • dm_model: Name of the DeezyMatch model to train or load.

    • dm_output: Name of the DeezyMatch output file (not really needed).

    • ranking_metric: DeezyMatch parameter: the metric used to rank the string variations based on their vectors.

    • selection_threshold: DeezyMatch parameter: selection threshold based on the ranking metric.

    • num_candidates: DeezyMatch parameter: maximum number of string variations that will be retrieved.

    • verbose: DeezyMatch parameter: verbose output or not.

    • overwrite_training: Whether to overwrite the training of a DeezyMatch model provided it already exists.

    • do_test: Whether to train a model in test mode.

2. Load the resources

The following line of code loads the resources (i.e. the mentions-to-wikidata_normalized.json and wikidata_to_mentions_normalized.json files into dictionaries). They are required in order to perform candidate selection and ranking, regardless of the Ranker method.

myranker.mentions_to_wikidata = myranker.load_resources()


Note that this step is already taken care of if you use the Pipeline.

3. Train a DeezyMatch model

The following line will train a DeezyMatch model, given the arguments specified when instantiating the Ranker.


Note that if the model already exists and overwrite_training is set to False, the training will be skipped, even if you call the train() method. The training will also be skipped if the Ranker is instantiated for a different method than DeezyMatch.

The resulting model will be stored in the specified path. In this case, the resulting DeezyMatch model that the Ranker will use is called w2v_ocr:

├── ...
├── resources/
│   ├── deezymatch/
│   │   └── models/
│   │       └── w2v_ocr/
│   │           ├── input_dfm.yaml
│   │           ├── w2v_ocr.model
│   │           ├── w2v_ocr.model_state_dict
│   │           └── w2v_ocr.vocab
│   ├── models/
│   ├── news_datasets/
│   ├── wikidata/
│   │   ├── mentions_to_wikidata_normalized.json
│   │   └── wikidata_to_mentions_normalized.json
│   └── wikipedia/
└── ...


Note that this step is already taken care of if you use the Pipeline.

4. Retrieve candidates for a given mention

In order to use the Ranker to retrieve candidates for a given mention, follow the example. The find_candidates Ranker method requires that the input is a list of dictionaries, where the key is always "mention" and the value is the toponym in question.

toponym = "Manchefter"
print(myranker.find_candidates([{"mention": toponym}])[0][toponym])

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The Linker

The Linker takes as input the set of candidates selected by the Ranker and disambiguates them, selecting the best matching entity depending on the approach selected for disambiguation.

We provide two different strategies for disambiguation:

  • mostpopular: Unsupervised method, which, given a set of candidates for a given mention, returns as a prediction the candidate that is most popular in terms of inlink structure in Wikipedia.

  • reldisamb: Given a set of candidates, this approach uses the REL re-implementation of the ment-norm algorithm proposed by Le and Titov (2018) and partially based on Ganea and Hofmann (2017), and adapts it. To know more:

    Van Hulst, Johannes M., Faegheh Hasibi, Koen Dercksen, Krisztian Balog, and
    Arjen P. de Vries. "Rel: An entity linker standing on the shoulders of giants."
    In Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
    Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 2197-2200. 2020.
    Le, Phong, and Ivan Titov. "Improving Entity Linking by Modeling Latent Relations
    between Mentions." In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association
    for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp. 1595-1604. 2018.
    Ganea, Octavian-Eugen, and Thomas Hofmann. "Deep Joint Entity Disambiguation
    with Local Neural Attention." In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on
    Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pp. 2619-2629. 2017.

1. Instantiate the Linker

1.1. mostpopular

To use the Linker with the mostpopular approach, instantiate it as follows:

from geoparser import linking

mylinker = linking.Linker(

Description of the parameters:

  • method: name of the method, in this case mostpopular.

  • resources_path: path to the resources directory.

Note that resources_path should contain the path to the directory where the resources are stored.

When using the mostpopular linking approach, the resources folder should at least contain the following resources:

  └── resources/
      └── wikidata/
          ├── entity2class.txt
          ├── mentions_to_wikidata.json
          └── wikidata_gazetteer.csv

1.2. reldisamb

To use the Linker with the reldisamb approach, instantiate it as follows:

from geoparser import linking

with sqlite3.connect("resources/rel_db/embeddings_database.db") as conn:
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    mylinker = linking.Linker(
            "model_path": "resources/models/disambiguation/",
            "data_path": "experiments/outputs/data/lwm/",
            "training_split": "originalsplit",
            "db_embeddings": cursor,
            "with_publication": True,
            "without_microtoponyms": True,
            "do_test": False,
            "default_publname": "London",
            "default_publwqid": "Q84",

Description of the parameters:

  • method: name of the method, in this case reldisamb.

  • resources_path: path to the resources directory.

  • overwrite_training: whether to overwrite the training of the entity disambiguation model provided a model with the same path and name already exists.

  • rel_params: set of parameters specific to the reldisamb method:

    • model_path: Path to the entity disambiguation model.

    • data_path: Path to the dataset file linking_df_split.tsv used for training a model (see information about the dataset in the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation).

    • training_split: Column from the linking_df_split.tsv file that indicates which documents are used for training, development, and testing (see more information about this in the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation).

    • db_embeddings: cursor for the embeddings database (see more information about this in the “Resources and directory structure” page in the documentation).

    • with_publication: whether place of publication should be used as a feature when disambiguating (by adding it as an already disambiguated entity).

    • without_microtoponyms: whether to filter out microtoponyms or not (i.e. filter out all entities that are not LOC).

    • do_test: Whether to train an entity disambiguation model in test mode.

    • default_publname: The default value for the place of publication of the texts. For example, “London”. This will be the default publication place name, but you will be able to override it when using the Linker to do predictions. This will be ignored if with_publication is False.

    • default_publwqid: The wikidata ID of the place of publication. For example, Q84 for London. As in default_publname, you will be able to override it at inference time, and it will be ignored if with_publication is False.

In this way, an entity disambiguation model will be trained unless a model trained using the same characteristics already exists (i.e. same candidate ranker method, same training_split column name, and same values for with_publication and without_microtoponyms).

When using the reldisamb linking approach, the resources folder should at least contain the following resources:

  └── resources/
      ├── wikidata/
      |   ├── entity2class.txt
      |   ├── mentions_to_wikidata.json
      |   └── wikidata_gazetteer.csv
      └── rel_db/
          └── embeddings_database.db

2. Load the resources

The following line of code loads the resources required by the Linker, regardless of the Linker method.

mylinker.linking_resources = mylinker.load_resources()


Note that this step is already taken care of if you use the Pipeline.

3. Train an entity disambiguation model

The following line will train an entity disambiguation model, given the arguments specified when instantiating the Linker.

mylinker.rel_params["ed_model"] = mylinker.train_load_model(self.myranker)

Note that if the model already exists and overwrite_training is set to False, the training will be skipped, even if you call the train() method. The training will also be skipped if the Linker is instantiated for mostpopular.

The resulting model will be stored in the location specified when instantiating the Linker (i.e. resources/models/disambiguation/ in the example) in a new folder whose name combines information about the ranking and linking arguments used in training the method.


Note that this step is already taken care of if you use the Pipeline.

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